Apa itu Proxy? Pengertian dan Cara Kerjanya

Apa itu Proxy? Pengertian dan Cara Kerjanya

Saat ini, konektivitas internet telah menjadi kebutuhan umum bagi banyak orang. Namun, pentingnya keamanan dalam berselancar di dunia maya tida…
What is IoT? Explanation of the Internet of Things

What is IoT? Explanation of the Internet of Things

The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to a collective network of interconnected devices and technologies that facilitate communication bet…
Whitelisting IP: Definition and How to Whitelist IP Address

Whitelisting IP: Definition and How to Whitelist IP Address

IP whitelist is one of the efforts to secure websites and computer networks from hackers. By implementing IP whitelist, only specific individual…
What is Cloudflare? Here's the complete explanation!

What is Cloudflare? Here's the complete explanation!

Security and speed are key factors in managing a website. Fortunately, there are several easy steps to ensure that a website is fast and secure.…
What is VPN? Learn about VPN functions, types, and how to install it

What is VPN? Learn about VPN functions, types, and how to install it

In the past, the function of VPN (Virtual Private Network) was well-known as a tool for securely connecting networks between office buildings or…
What is a Server? Definition, Functions, Working Mechanism, and Types!

What is a Server? Definition, Functions, Working Mechanism, and Types!

You are certainly familiar with the term "server," aren't you? A server is a crucial device in a computer network and the internet…
How to Use SSH to Remote Server

How to Use SSH to Remote Server

If you have a VPS service, you must be familiar with SSH access. SSH access is essential for managing your VPS, especially for those not using a…
What is SSH and How Does It Work?

What is SSH and How Does It Work?

Technological advancements have enabled users to control devices from great distances, even when they are separated by continents. One such capab…
Dedicated IP: Definition and Its Advantages

Dedicated IP: Definition and Its Advantages

A Dedicated IP is an IP address used exclusively for one domain or one device only. It means that no other domain or device can use the same IP a…
What is IPv6? Definition, Advantages, and Examples

What is IPv6? Definition, Advantages, and Examples

Previously, you have learned that an IP address is a unique sequence of numbers that serves as the identity of a device, such as a laptop, mobil…
What is an IP Address: Definition and Its Types

What is an IP Address: Definition and Its Types

IP address is one of the crucial components that allows you to perform all activities online. Thanks to the IP address, you can access the inform…